Why Your Content Marketing Needs To Go Beyond Blog Posts

11 August 2023

Posted in: Content Marketing Social

Whether for B2B or B2C, content marketing serves as a powerful brand growth tool, extending beyond mere blog posts. A robust content strategy should encompass a variety of formats to effectively reach a wider audience.

Given the expansive creative possibilities in content marketing, seize the opportunity! Here’s a guide on diversifying your content strategy for maximum impact.

What is content marketing?

Digital content marketing is a strategy that involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract a specific target audience. Beyond enhancing organic SEO, content marketing significantly boosts brand awareness and sales, all while costing 62% less than outbound marketing and generating 3X as many leads!

Why is it important to diversify your content strategy?

Content creation comes in various forms, and while blogs are a common choice, an effective strategy should encompass diverse content types (social posts, infographics, etc.). Catering to different content preferences on each platform optimises overall performance.

Here’s why your content marketing should go beyond blogs:

  • Enhanced SEO and Discoverability: A diverse content strategy improves SEO by catering to search engines’ preference for varied content, leading to improved organic rankings and heightened online visibility.
  • Optimal Platform Performance: Tailoring content to specific platforms optimises performance; for instance, long-form blogs suit websites, while eye-catching videos are ideal for social media channels. Embracing varied formats is crucial for maximising impact.
  • Competitive Edge: Providing diverse content sets a brand apart from competitors, showcasing a commitment to meeting audience needs in multiple ways.

What types of content marketing should I include in my strategy? 

While blogs play a pivotal role in content marketing, the strategy shouldn’t be confined to them. Consider repurposing blogs into different formats aligned with your business goals. Diversifying your content will attract audiences on various platforms with different content preferences.


Blogs and other pieces of written content tend to be at the forefront of most people’s content strategy, and for good reason. Having an active blog page is great for answering the queries that your target audience is searching for, helping your pages to rank well. How-to guides, case studies, listicles, and more are all great types of content for your blog.

But how can you make your posts stand out? Going beyond blogging doesn’t mean abandoning your blog, after all. Instead, adding SEO video content and images can help engage your audience and encourage more backlinks!

High-quality blog posts will have a major impact on your site. Let content marketers help!

Social media posts

Many brands incorporate social content into their strategies, but not always effectively. For example, if you’re developing an ecommerce content strategy, posting a single product image on your Instagram page once a week won’t suffice.

With approximately 4.48 billion social media users worldwide, your target audience is primed to discover your business. Social platforms provide an excellent avenue for brand discovery, so unleash creativity through product demonstrations on reels, informative TikToks, behind-the-scenes stories, and more. Having a poor social media plan today is almost criminal!

You can learn more about the power of SEO video content in our recent blog!


Crafting ebooks enables you to explore specific topics or issues, highlighting your expertise in targeted subject matters (especially crucial in the B2B world). Who doesn’t value a free ebook? Offering valuable and in-depth insights can establish you—and by extension, your brand—as a credible authority in your industry.

For those aiming to generate more leads, ebooks can be invaluable. By providing free downloadable ebooks in exchange for users’ email addresses, you can build a targeted email list. This allows you to nurture potential leads and gradually convert them into loyal customers.


Do you have new and interesting industry stats? Don’t keep them to yourself! Sharing them in a blog post is great, but if you really want to make an impact then infographics are the way to go. Not only are they easy to digest, but they’re also super shareable.

Adding them to blogs can make your content easier to engage with, but they can also work as standalone pieces of content. Just be sure to make it as easy as possible for someone to link to your website when they share one of your infographics; if you don’t, you’ll waste some golden linking opportunities.


The humble podcast is one of the most popular forms of content right now, so if you have something new, interesting, and engaging to share, now is the time to voice it. Podcasting offers a fantastic platform to invite industry experts, influencers, and thought leaders as guests, with each guest bringing a unique community of followers that you can attract and target through the collaboration.

Another major benefit of making podcasts is they can be consumed while people are multitasking, commuting, or working out, meaning you can reach people at times when they’re closed-off to other forms of content. And since you can easily rework a blog transcript to create an accompanying blog post or film some video clips for social promotion, there’s a lot of potential for adaptation.


How can I repurpose blog content?

Repurposing blog content involves transforming existing articles into different formats, such as infographics, videos, or podcasts. Tools like Canva are great for creating multiple visual assets, whereas ChatGPT is useful for converting blog into captions, podcast scripts and ebooks. By doing so, you can reach new audiences and enhance engagement across various platforms.

What role do keywords play in content marketing, and how do I choose them?

Keywords are essential in content marketing as they help search engines understand the topic and context of your content. To choose them, conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner, focusing on terms that align with your audience’s search intent.

How can I measure the success of my content marketing efforts?

Success in content marketing can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, conversion rates, and social media engagement. Utilise analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track and analyse these metrics regularly.

Should I prioritise quality or quantity when producing content?

Prioritising quality over quantity is crucial in content marketing. High-quality, valuable content resonates better with your audience, fosters trust, and tends to perform well in search engine rankings, ultimately delivering more sustainable long-term results.

How to build a content calendar

Building a content calendar involves several steps. Start by identifying key themes, setting publishing frequencies, and aligning content with your marketing goals. Use tools like editorial calendars or software solutions to organise and schedule your content efficiently.


Need help from content experts? Get in touch with Seeker today and find out how we can transform your content and boost your organic SEO.

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