100 million keywords. Now what?! – Alen-Jelco Todorov

08 April 2019

Posted in: BSEO

This talk was delivered by Alen-Jelco Todorov. He has worked for Webness, Romania’s first digital agency, before moving on to Status Pimp and X3 among others, and collaborating with clients including Coco-Cola. At BrightonSEO, he showcased SEOmonitor’s new tool, Topics.


What was the talk about?

Concentrating on the advantages and disadvantages of various keyword research tools, it ran through why you need to filter your results and get through the noise, and covered the utility of the new Topics tool for doing just that.

Potential impact on the industry

According to Alen, the main tools for keyword research is Excel. This is because if you use one of the main keyword research tools, you get a lot of duplication of keywords that need filtering. Topics does all the hard work by post-processing all the keywords so that you can focus on those that are the most important.

The tool also shows you how you match up against your nearest competitors, monthly trends, and more. With the tool still in beta stage, SEOmonitor was test driving the tool at the event, giving participants a chance to win a Tesla electric car for a week.

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