The Power Of Face-To-Face Events In Digital Marketing

19 September 2019

Posted in: BSEO

Digital marketing is not solely influenced by what happens online. In her talk,  Claire Gamble outlines the opportunities that arose before, during and after her planned dog costume competition event.


Speaker’s name: Claire Gamble
Job role and company: MD at Click Unhooked Communications
Links to Twitter profile: @ClaireEGamble
Link to LinkedIn profile:
Link to the slides:

What was the talk about?

Before an event, Claire Gamble advises that organisers make sure they plan, always paying high regard to the fact that people’s time is precious. Events should be timely and relevant and the time and date chosen should make it easy for people to attend. They should also take full advantage of not only the company’s website but also third party sites such as Eventbrite and Meetup. For hired event planners, create packs of information about the company for ready use. In terms of promotion, paying attention to the digital reach of influencers is vital.

During events, She suggests taking full advantage of having the media and influencers present. Make sure that the digital reach of all groups is utilised. The media, in particular, she advises, should be treated as VIPs and not just left to their own devices. If the media can’t make your event, make sure that you capture it well, just in case they still wish to cover it. An instagrammable venue layout will prove useful for user-generated content following the event.

Finally, after the event, there are still opportunities for marketing. Following up with your attendees afterwards as well as creating a photo gallery will provide an opportunity to bring traffic to your client’s website.

Favourite quote

“The beauty of events is that they help you reach several different objectives not just once, but at three key times”

Potential impact on the industry

This talk should have more companies considering events as not only a tool for marketing and PR, but also a tool for SEO.

Key takeaways

  1. Events do happen offline but they have a lot of potential for digital marketing too as long as you plan them well
  2. Utilise the digital reach of third parties outside of your clients
  3. Dogs look adorable in dinosaur outfits
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