The Circle of Trust: SEO Data – Matthew Brown

09 April 2019

Posted in: BSEO

In this talk on SEO data, Matthew Brown outlined the how and why of going beyond using your data to prove ranking factors. He showed us how our SEO data can be used for better things, helping us finesse our SEO further.


What was the talk about?

Many SEOs use their SEO data to prove ranking factors, which they then use to implement SEO tactics to outrank their competitors. Matthew highlighted which data sources we actually need, and how we can use them to boost organic traffic.

Fave quote

“We aren’t proving ranking factors — use your data for better things.”

Potential impact on the industry

Everyone in the SEO industry needs to understand performance data, but there are plenty of misconceptions going around. This talk shows how to cut out all the unnecessary work and focus on what really matters.

Key takeaways

  • Segment XML sitemaps into as many index files as possible for better, granular data.
  • Qualify your sitemap URLs based on metrics.
  • Google Search Console isn’t getting better — try Screaming Frog instead.
  • Your own data is the key to SEO success.
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