One of the latest additions to the Seeker team, our new Office Manager Becky loves leopard-print, red lipstick, and people.
Want to find out more about Becky? Make a cuppa, get comfy, and let us introduce her…
Hi Becky, great to meet you. So, can you tell us a little bit about your journey to Seeker?
Hello! Sure — I was approached by Seeker whilst working at True Digital as an Office Manager/PA and was fascinated to learn more about them and their success.
Before that, I was an Office Manager for various companies; anything from working with Ferrari (yes, Ferrari) to helping build (not with my bare hands) Southmead Hospital.
I’m a Yorkshire girl who came down South — I started my Bristol life when I came here for university. I studied sociology at UWE — a long, long time ago.
And what inspires you?
I was inspired by the below quote and I feel as though it demonstrates how I work in my day-to-day life:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou
So what made you pursue agency life, Becky?
Corporate life was just not for me. I started agency life at True as an Office Manager/PA covering maternity; I worked hard, proved my worth, and realised that agency life was the one for me.
I have always been creative and wanted to work in an environment where I can let my creativity and hard work flourish – agency life allowed me to do that.
What do you enjoy about being an Office Manager/Executive Assistant for an agency?
I am a natural at organising — anything from a quick client meeting to an all-day, off-site get-together. I pay attention to even the tiniest of details and love making everyone feel special and welcome, whether it’s employees, clients or new starters.
I love balancing being both front of house and behind the scenes. I am always full of energy, ideas and initiatives for my colleagues and my workplace.
My approachability and empathy are invaluable in agency life; I am often a shoulder to cry on, motivating and cheerleading the people I work with. What makes me good at this is that I really care — I want the best out of my colleagues and want them to feel great in their working environment.
What brings you to Seeker?
I was ready for a new challenge: I have always wanted to work for a startup but wanted to be confident with what I could bring, and be bloody good at it. I wanted to contribute my office management, PA and HR skills to a business I would feel passionate about.
After meeting directors Gareth and Kayleigh and feeling their energy for their business, as well as meeting the Seeker team, I knew this was going to be the start of something good.
I am really looking forward to my future with Seeker — I cannot wait to grow with them, celebrating our success, hosting some amazing parties and working with awesome people.
And finally — got any tips for a budding Office Manager who wants to follow the same career path?
If you like people, you will like my job.
You must be a self-starter.
No day is ever the same; you could be doing anything from organising monthly massages for your colleagues, to creating a stand for one of the biggest SEO events of the year.
People will learn to trust you — you just need to give them time.
Remembering the smallest details will often leave the greatest impression.
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