BrightonSEO has a lot going on every year, but the first instalment of 2019 stands to once again raise the game. This April, there will be more speakers, more pearls of wisdom, more attendees, and more general SEO-related shenanigans than ever before.
If you’re attending, then clearly you recognise the overall value of the event… but how exactly should you approach it? After all, unless you have ready access to a risk-free time machine, you can’t check out every talk. Your mission — regardless of whether you choose to accept it — is to pick out the select talks that best suit your interests.
Or you could just let us, the schedule-savvy Seeker squad, point you in the right direction. That’s probably easier, and we’re all about the path of least resistance. Let’s get to it, then, and run through the talks you should mark on your planner if…
Table of Contents
You’re a content marketer
You blog, talk, design and guide with one purpose: getting valuable attention, whether it’s for a product, a service, or a brand. You need talks to help you get content out and maximise the results. Here you go:
Turning Your Data Into Compelling Stories
Jeroen Maljers (@jeroenmaljers)
Today’s analytics are astonishingly wide-reaching, but they’re not only useful for monitoring performance. You can also visualise your data to help you tell a compelling story about the work you do. Jeroen Maljers, CEO of PPC reporting company Swydo, will explain how to do just that, and cover what can go wrong along the way.
The Content Comeback: 5 Steps for Bouncing Back When Your Campaign Fails
Shannon McGuirk (@ShannonMcGuirk_)
We all fail from time to time, but we can’t let it get us down. Instead of giving up on a campaign that collapsed right away, you can plan and pursue a relaunch, giving it a second chance at success. Shannon McGuirk, head of PR & Content at Aira, will detail a 5-step process for campaign resurrection.
How to Make Fake News For Links
Oliver Brett (@OliverBrett)
The web always needs more content, and there aren’t always enough suitable news stories to drive it. So why not make something up? This isn’t the bad kind of fake news — this is the silly news. The creative, wacky, attention-grabbing nonsense stories. Oliver Brett of Screaming Frog has the hot scoop on this tactic.
You want to check out the next generation
Forget what’s happening today: it’s tomorrow that you’re interested in. Where’s the SEO industry going, and who’s going to take us there? These talks will give you a good idea:
Restructuring Websites to Improve Indexability
Areej AbuAli (@areej_abuali)
Big, cumbersome websites can easily get stuck with basic SEO issues that hugely damage ranking potential. This talk, from VerveSearch head of SEO Areej AbuAli, will do more than provide a solution: it will use a specific case study to demonstrate exactly how it was used to overhaul a site that started with over 2.5 million URLs.
8 Ways to Increase your Ecommerce Conversion Rate
Faye Watt (@fayewatt)
Remove all the accoutrements, and ecommerce is all about converting more consistently than the next store. Faye Watt is the ever-busy senior digital marketing executive at Edico Media, as well as the organiser of the Bristol SEO meetup, and she’ll bring that expertise to bear as she offers up an 8-step plan for driving more sales.
Introducing the Nano Influencer: The Future of Influencer Marketing
Hayley Berry
Numerous social media firestorms and questionable follower relevance have brought the value of celebrity influencers down a peg. Is influencer marketing on the wane? Not at all, contends Hayley Berry, founder of Créme de la Social — it’s just getting more niche. In this talk, she’ll introduce the nano influencer, and explain how they can drive sales.
You’ve never been to BrightonSEO before
Your nerves are jangling, you don’t know what lies ahead of you, and you keep staring at the schedule. Never fear. Here’s where you should go:
6 Things Your Boss Expects You Should Know About SEO
Lukasz Zelezny (@lukaszzelezny)
If you arrive at BrightonSEO this April with no idea what to expect, do yourself a favour and head to this primer from SEO consultant and keynote speaker Lukasz Zelezny. In covering some core concepts in practical ways, he’ll give you a solid foundation for continuing your SEO journey (and being able to justify your appearance to your boss).
Uncovering Serps: What Happens in Search Right Now and How to Benefit from It
Olga Andrienko (@olgandrienko)
With SERPs fluctuating rapidly, what’s going on with Google? Does anyone know? Does Google know? If anyone knows, it might be Olga Andrienko of SEMrush. They ran various studies to investigate Google updates, and she’ll share the results in this talk.
Harry and Lloyd’s Idiot Proof Guide to GMB Optimization
Greg Gifford (@greggifford)
Greg Gifford is a BrightonSEO staple, and for good reason. He’s smart, experienced, and he’s a talented speaker that makes even the most arcane of topics digestible. Expect film references galore, with this year’s theme being Dumb And Dumber. Kick his ass, Sea Bass!
You want to develop an outreach strategy
Outreach is one of the keys to getting seen, talked about, and trusted with business. It’s also a vital link-building tool. These talks will cover what you’re looking for:
The Killer Outreach Email That Gets Opened, Replied to and Mainly Gains Links
Hana Bednarova (@Miss_HanaB)
If you’ve done outreach before, then you know the grind, as well as the despair-inducing response rates — but there are ways to supercharge your email performance. Here, freelance digital PR specialist Hana Bednarova will set out the best practices for anyone looking to drum up more email leads.
LMFAO: Leveraging Machines for Awesome Outreach
Gareth Simpson (@simpsongareth)
Machine algorithms couldn’t come up with a title that good (yet), but they definitely can transform the practice of outreach. Seeker Digital co-founder (and general SEO boffin) Gareth Simpson will take to the stage with one goal in mind: show exactly how businesses of all sizes can use machine learning to boost outreach.
How to Make Fake News For Links
Oliver Brett (@OliverBrett)
Now, yes, we already included this one in a previous section — but it’s also very applicable for outreach professionals, so why shouldn’t it crop up again? Screaming Frog’s Oliver Brett is going to teach you how to fabricate goofy stories for some easy attention. Why wouldn’t you want to give that a try?
You want to take your technical SEO skills to the next level
Whether it’s canonical URLs or featured snippets, you’re hooked on the fundamental blocks of SEO. These should keep you happy:
A Structured Data Case Study: How to Make Your Websites Stand Out in Search
Kenichi Suzuki (@suzukik)
Structured data is a touchy topic, because many website owners don’t like how Google’s clogging up the SERPs — but since there’s nothing to be done about that, it’s something that every SEO professional needs to master. In this talk, Google Product Expert Kenichi Suzuki will explain how to take advantage of structured data to get your website performing better.
Screaming Frog + Xpath: A Guide to Analyse the Pants Off Your Competition
Sabine Langmann (@SabTheLa)
Almost every SEO has used Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider before — it’s a site-crawling classic. But have you ever used it with XPath, an XML query language? Mix the two and you can start investigating the competition in greater detail. SEO consultant and entrepreneur Sabine Langmann is at the helm of this foray into greater data granularity.
Why UX is SEO’s best friend
Luke Hay (@hayluke) & Michelle Wilding-Baker (@ohmishy)
UX is often incorrectly viewed as wholly distinct from SEO, but there’s a significant amount of overlap that mustn’t be overlooked. In general, as you improve your UX, you’ll also see your SEO benefit — and in this talk from UX consultant Luke Hay and Telegraph SEO head Michelle Wilding-Baker, you’ll learn how to address both in your strategy.
You want to get inspired by women in marketing
The digital industry is rich with women doing incredible things. These talks will confirm it:
Competitor Analysis: A Scientific Method
Paola Didone (@latenitebird)
Competitor analysis is a core part of getting ahead in the SEO world, because there’s simply too much going on to stay on top of every strategy through research alone — but it’s easy to get too casual with it. Paola Didone of Distilled knows how to get scientific with it, and she’ll explain how you can do the same in this comprehensive talk.
Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users’ High Expectations
Rachel Costello (@rachellcostello)
You may have noticed that internet users are pretty demanding these days. They expect websites to load fast and operate even faster, and if you lag behind, you won’t be able to compete. Rachel Costello, technical SEO and content manager at DeepCrawl, will cover in-depth research into the value of speed and provide tips on how to track and maintain it.
Small Biz Small Budget – 10 Do’s and 5 Don’ts for Local SEO Success
Claire Carlile (@clairecarlile)
With surfing now mostly mobile, local SEO has become a vital part of success for any company that has physical premises (or simply provides a service for a specific area). Freelance SEO Claire Carlile knows the keys to winning at local SEO, but also the ways in which you can mess it up — here, she’ll hand over the former, and help you dodge the latter.
Uncovering Serps: What Happens in Search Right Now and How to Benefit from It
Olga Andrienko (@olgandrienko)
As head of global marketing at SEMrush, one of the most influential SEO companies in the industry, Olga Andrienko has a compelling perspective on the ever-changing search marketing landscape — you can understand why we’d mention this talk twice! Stop by to learn from her experience and insight and pick up some tips for ranking more effectively.
You’re new to agency life
Just getting settled in as a full-time agency employee? It’s a tough adjustment. These talks will make it easier:
Kick Ass Competitor Research
Rachel Finch (@RealRachelFinch)
Your business doesn’t operate in a vacuum — the digital industry is packed with companies of all shapes and sizes, presenting you with both competition and context. Rachel Finch, founder of BrightonDigitalWomen and digital marketing manager for marketing agency SiteVisibility, has some actionable tips for carrying out in-depth competitor research, and she’ll share them here.
Efficiency in the workplace: Mindset mastery and meditation
Briony Gunson (@BrionyGunson)
Being a marketer is a tough gig when the work starts to pile up, and can be extremely stressful. Instead of obsessing over what you can do for your clients, think about what you do for yourself — so contends Briony Gunson, digital marketing consultant and operations director at Pole Star Digital. Here, she’ll explain the value of meditation, and advance some actionable advice for unburdening your mind. Great for anyone who is new to the pressures of agency life.
The Circle of Trust: SEO Data
Matthew Brown (@MatthewJBrown)
As digital marketers, we’ve got SEO data for days. But how do you sort the wheat from the chaff to find hard, actionable takeaways that will actually ramp up your organic traffic? In his no-nonsense talk, SEO bright spark and agency founder Matthew Brown will show us what data to look out for – and what to ignore.
You work for an ecommerce brand
You want sales, and you want them now. Everything else can wait. We hear you. Here you go:
8 Ways to Increase your Ecommerce Conversion Rate
Faye Watt (@fayewatt)
Did we mention that conversions are really important in the ecommerce world? Senior digital marketing executive Faye Watt’s 8-step plan for raising your conversion rate is easily valuable enough to snag two entries on this list, and if you work for an ecommerce brand, then there’s nothing better you could do with your time than learn how to sell more.
Black Friday SEO: Where and When to Start, Quick Wins and Top Tips
Alexandra Coutts (@lottafizz)
Alexandra Coutts is the head of digital at ThoughtShift, an ecommerce-focused digital marketing agency, so it’s fair to say she knows a thing or two about bringing in the revenue. In this talk, she’ll address the hyper-lucrative Black Friday shopping period, giving you straightforward tips on how to make the most of it.
How you should build your new retail content strategy based on SERP and competitive analysis
Alexandre Sigoigne (@siGauss)
Entrepreneur, SEO, and CEO of Myposeo, Alexandre Sigoigne is well-versed in what makes for a successful B2C business. Using data-backed SERP and competitor analysis, Alexandre will show you how to take your etail content strategy to the next level.
Sexy AF SEO Revenue Growth with Your Discontinued Products
Luke Carthy (@MrLukeCarthy)
20% organic revenue growth within 60 days – too good to be true? Not so for SEO whizz and digital marketer Luke Carthy. Find out how he achieved just that, as well as some actionable takeaways on how brands should deal with their discontinued products.
You’re an account manager
Managing accounts is a rough gig. You need to keep everyone happy in fluctuating circumstances. Check out these talks to get some handy tips:
Retaining Struggling Clients: How To Rebuild Trust
Laura Hogan (@lauralouise90)
Maintaining a client relationship isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes things go wrong — you mess something up, lose an important file, or fail to communicate, and suddenly you’re on the verge of being fired. But you can rebuild that all-important trust. Laura Hogan, digital marketing consultant and owner of Milo’s Mail, will tell you how to do it.
Search vs. Bureaucracy: How to Stand Up an Organic Search Program for Your Client
Heather Physioc (@heatherphysioc)
Sometimes you can’t do all the awesome SEO things you’d like to do for clients because of internal politics. This talk is a data-led deep dive into the vagaries of client SEO, with some tips on how to get buy-in and push SEO improvements through. A must-have for account managers, and an oft-neglected element of search success.
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now
Marco Bonomo (@MarcoBonomoSEO)
Time-poor but SEO-stressed? Let SEO and CRO expert Marco Bonomo take you on a tour of five custom SEO alerts that will save you time (and peace of mind). Keep a watchful eye over your robots.txt, traffic, performance, and rankings and be SEO-active, not reactive.
You run a business
You’re heading to BrightonSEO of your own volition. The head honcho of your operation. You need to make the visit count, so pick these talks for some business-relevant advice:
Using Data to Keep Your Customers Happy
Eli Zheleva (@elizheleva)
Digital analytics and feedback processes make it possible to get really in-depth about what your customers like and dislike, helping you optimize your business. Eli Zheleva is a speaker and marketing trainer for feedback service Feefo, and she’ll explain here how you can use data to reinforce your brand and delight your customers.
Small Biz Small Budget – 10 Do’s and 5 Don’ts for Local SEO Success
Claire Carlile (@clairecarlile)
The average business owner will pay attention to Google performance in general, but what about local performance? Even if your business doesn’t have a physical location, it might benefit from some localised targeting. Appearing for the second time on this list, freelancer Claire Carlile’s talk on local SEO should give you some handy ideas.
Search Presence Intelligence – Where Search Meets Business Intelligence
Stephan Bajaio (@stephanbajaio)
You can read your customers’ minds. How? Through the SERPs, of course! Self-described outspoken SEO consultant Stephen Bajaio crosses the bridge between search and business intelligence to help your business grow beyond the search engine results pages.
You want to be entertained
It’s not all about taking away actionable tips. It’s also a damn good time. Embrace that side of the event with these jovial efforts:
Harry and Lloyd’s Idiot Proof Guide to GMB Optimization
Greg Gifford (@greggifford)
Google My Business is a core concern for any company that relies heavily on local traffic. Greg Gifford works on local SEO for DealerOn, an SEO company for the automotive industry, so he knows what it takes to optimize GMB. In this talk, he’ll run through everything you need to know (in a beginner-friendly and captivating fashion, of course).
The Most Popular Influencer is Almost Never the One You Really Need
Daiana Damacus
Influencer marketing is all about hiring celebrities to promote your stuff, isn’t it? Not so fast. Daiana Damacus of Webcertain knows otherwise, and her talk will explain why you need to carefully pick out the most relevant influencers and how you can reach and work with them most effectively.
You want something different
Nothing else grabbing you? Willing to get stuck into some big concepts? These talks on niche topics should be just what you need:
Forget Alexa, The Voice Search Devices Of The Future
Patrick Reinhart (@askreinhart)
Alexa, pick a BrightonSEO talk to teach me about the future of voice search. Adding “Forget Alexa, The Voice Search Devices Of The Future” to your schedule. So much has been said about voice search in recent years, but how much do we actually know about it? Patrick Reinhart is an SEO consultant for WeWork and Conductor, and his talk will discuss both the hype around voice search and the reality of what we can expect in the future.
Voice Visibility: Tracking voice results on Alexa & Google
Steff Preyer (@rabbit_andpork)
Some businesses are well ahead of the curve, and are already starting to benefit from voice search traffic. Steff Preyer, business director for voice experience experts Rabbit & Pork, knows all about how it works, and her talk will give you all the information you need to start understanding and taking advantage of the potential of voice search.
Gamification: Link building in a Fortnite
Becky Simms (@BeckyReflect)
Having put forth one of the best titles, Becky Simms, managing director of Reflect Digital, clearly stands to have one of the more captivating talks of the event with this examination of gamification as an SEO tactic. Through providing interactive elements with small rewards, you can pick up a lot of high-quality links, so check out this talk to learn how.
You’re working for a global brand
When you work for a giant international company, you have a lot of pressure on you to keep that success going. These talks will help you protect the brand and ensure cross-border appeal:
How to protect your online reputation: Lessons from the FTSE 100
Alex Judd (@AlexJuddz)
The internet is a terrifying place when it comes to branded search. If someone types in your business name and something negative comes up, it can instantly sour them on your company. Alex Judd, digital marketer at Grayling, has studied the impact of negative content on top businesses, and this talk will cover the conclusions he’s reached about why this content appears in search results and what you can do about it.
The impact of translation on SEO and how they can work together
Valentine Lacour
Any business that wants to maintain an international presence needs to understand the value of localised content, but it isn’t as simple as getting high-quality translation done. Translated text might read well but perform poorly for SEO — you need that combination of readability and SEO viability. This talk from Valentine Lacour of Webcertain will explain how you can bring translation and SEO together for better results.
Using data to keep your customers happy
Eli Zheleva (@elizheleva)
The bigger the client, the more varied the customers get, and the more important granular feedback becomes. We’ve mentioned this customer happiness talk from Feefo’s Eli Zheleva already, but it’s a can’t-miss prospect for someone from a global brand with a pressing need to squeeze every drop of value from each customer.
You’re working in-house at a brand
When you’re an in-house SEO, your talents are required but often misunderstood. Communication is key. These talks will help you thrive:
6 Things Your Boss Expects You Should Know About SEO
Lukasz Zelezny (@lukaszzelezny)
Working as an in-house SEO can be a tough task, because it’s far from easy to explain what you do (and why it’s valuable). This talk from SEO consultant Lukasz Zelezny picked up a mention as a good choice for a BrightonSEO newbie, but it will be just as useful for bolstering your in-house SEO skills and helping you communicate with management.
Huge SEO success stories and what we can learn from them
Marcus Tober (@marcustober)
When something goes right, you need to figure out why — that way, you can try to replicate the success. In this talk, Marcus Tober (founder of Searchmetrics) will draw from his company’s vast data repository to present various stories about companies that did SEO well and flourished as a result. He’ll show why their tactics succeeded, and leave you with some actionable tips and invaluable inspiration.
Restructuring Websites to Improve Indexability
Areej AbuAli (@areej_abuali)
Your website should be easy for spiders to crawl. But, like any web, your site is delicate and complex. Thankfully, Verve Search’s head of SEO Areej AbuAli breaks it all down for you, with tips on optimised internal link structure, directing robot crawls, and more.
You adore strategy and tactics
Even as you’re reading this, you’re plotting the next stage of your growth plan. Sensible! The following talks will add to your arsenal of tactics:
LMFAO: Leveraging Machines for Awesome Outreach
Gareth Simpson (@simpsongareth)
Into high-level strategy and advanced optimization? If so, Gareth Simpson’s investigation of how broadly you can apply machine learning tactics to improve the efficacy and efficiency of your outreach is something you don’t want to miss. It already warranted a mention for those interested in the next generation, but it’s just as relevant for the tactically inclined.
Building an SEO Exponential Growth model by Closing Your Content Gaps
Razvan Gavrilas (@razvan_gavrilas)
How do you achieve massive SEO growth? Yielding decent improvements is easy to begin with, but only gets harder as time goes by, and the key is having a scalable framework. Razvan Galrilas, founder of cognitiveSEO, will present such a framework here: follow it to fill in the gaps in your content and achieve long-term growth.
Living on the Edge: Elevating your SEO toolkit to the CDN
Nils De Moor (@ndemoor)
Edge SEO is a developing practice that sees businesses implementing SEO improvements at the CDN level. That way, you don’t need to run anything by developers, and you have somewhere to go if you’ve already done as much as you realistically can to improve your on-site SEO. Nils De Moor, co-founder and CTO of WooRank, will take you through this nascent tactic, giving you the foundation you need to start implementing it.